Data-Driven Analysis of Management, Policy, International Trade, and Socioeconomic and Geopolitical Dynamics of Natural Resource Supply Chains


Trade of Russian King Crab & US Imports of King Crab
Contracted by World Wildlife Fund's Arctic Field Office and WWF's Smart Fishing Initiative to research and analyze illegal crab trade
Research included analyzing trade data, primary and secondary source literature in Russian & English, and interviews with stakeholders
Report published by WWF in 2014 as “Illegal Russian Crab: An investigation of trade flow" by J. Simeone and H. Brandon (authors’ names withheld in publication). Available in English, Russian, and Japanese (click language for pdf of report)
Report was used by WWF to catalyze support for US policy changes through the US Presidential Task Force on combatting illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing and seafood fraud and to demonstrate the need for US & Russia's Agreement to Prevent Illegal Fishing (signed September 2015)
Wrote and submitted 484(f) Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) revision request to the US International Trade Commission (US ITC) to request revision of trade codes for US imports of king crab to be broken down by species (request accepted and HTS code revisions reflected January 1, 2017)
Technical lead on a partnership with a US importer of Russian king crab to produce a supply chain risk assessment and develop traceability pilot of Russian king crab from harvest vessel to US import
Worked together with WWF US, WWF Russia, and WWF Korea staff and representatives from the US company and staff of companies involved in the supply chain in Korea, Japan, and Russia
Summary report published as "Case Study on Russian King Crab Sourcing and Traceability Pilot" by " J. Simeone, N. Aeschliman, and J. Steinmetz (authors' names withheld in publication)
Suggested citation: WWF. 2019. Case Study on Russian King Crab Sourcing and Traceability Pilot. Washington, D.C.
Policy Analysis of Myanmar's 2014 Log Export Ban
Contracted by Forest Trends (Washington, DC) to analyze the political economy of Myanmar's April 2014 law to ban the export of raw logs and implications for both its domestic processing industry and domestic initiatives to stop illegal logging of teak and illicit log trade between Myanmar and China
Research and Support for Wood Identification Technologies
Contracted by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to coordinate with partner organizations and build support for emerging technologies used to identify the origin and species of wood and forest products, for example wood anatomy, DNA/genetics, and chemical analysis (stable isotopes & DART time-of-flight mass spectrometry) as a way to strengthen transparency and provide a tool for companies that seek to verify commodity supply chains and supplier information
Lead point of contact on behalf of WWF to work with World Resources Institute (WRI) to plan and co-lead a two day workshop “The Seattle Dialogue: Development and Scaling of Innovative Technologies for Wood Identification” in February 2017 to explore the ways in which emerging technologies for wood identification can more effectively contribute to combating illegal logging and associated trade
Co-organizer of a multi-stakeholder meeting (March 2017) to gauge interest in creating an interdisciplinary academic center in partnership with NGOs, federal and state agencies, and multinational companies in order to research global trade and transnational organized crimes involving natural resources, which lead to the formation of the University of Washington's Center for Environmental Forensic Science (CEFS).
Researcher and consultant on ongoing research projects with Dr. Naren Ramakrishnan (Virginia Tech Professor of Computer Science) and World Forest ID to develop machine learning approaches to aid sampling location and identification accuracy origin-provenance identification using Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis (SIRA).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Datta D, Simeone JC, Meadows A, Outhwaite W, Keong Chen H, Self N, Walker L, Ramakrishnan N. (2025) Combating trade in illegal wood and forest products with machine learning. PLOS ONE 20(1): e0311982.
Truszkowski, J., R. Maor, R. Yousuf, S. Biswas, C. Chater, P. Gasson, S. McQueen, M. Norman, J. Saunders, J. Simeone, N. Ramakrishnan, A. Antonelli, and V. Deklerck. 2025. A machine learning approach to estimating the geographical origin of timber. Ecological Applications.
Richardson, S.B., J.C. Simeone, and V. Deklerck. 2023. The Global Wood Species Priority List: A Living Database of Tree Species Most At Risk For Illegal Logging, Unsustainable Deforestation, And High Rates Of Trade Globally. Wood and Fiber Science 55(1): 31-42.
Datta, D., N. Self, J. Simeone, A. Meadows, W. Outhwaite, N. Elmqvist, and N. Ramakrishnan. 2023. TimberSleuth: Visual Anomaly Detection with Human Feedback for Mitigating the Illegal Timber Trade. Information Visualization.
Datta, D., S. Muthiah, J. Simeone, and A. Meadows. 2021. Scrutinizing Shipment Records To Thwart Illegal Timber Trade. Outlier Detection and Description Workshop, ACM SIGKDD 2021.
Datta, D., M.R. Islam, N. Self, A. Meadows, J. Simeone, W. Outhwaite, C. Hin Keong, A. Smith, L. Walker, and N.
Ramakrishnan. 2020. Detecting Suspicious Timber Trades. Proceedings from the Thirty-Second Conference
on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-20). New York, New York. -
Wiedenhoeft AC, J. Simeone, A, Smith, M. Parker-Forney, R. Soares, et al. 2019. Fraud and misrepresentation in retail forest products exceeds U.S. forensic wood science capacity. PLOS ONE 14(7): e0219917.
Newell, J.P. and J. Simeone. 2014. “Russia’s forests in a global economy: how consumption drives environmental change.” Eurasian Geography and Economics. 55(1): 37–70.
Simeone, J. 2013. “The Russian Forest Sector and International Trade in Forest Products.” Vestnik: The Journal of Russian and Asian Studies. Issue 13: 3-29.
Simeone, J. 2012. "Timber export taxes and trade between Russia and China: Development of the forestry sector in the Russian Far East." The Forestry Chronicle. 88 (5): 585-592.
© Courtesy of WWF. J. Simeone pictured center (orange jacket), Hanson Creek, Bristol Bay, AK
Russia and USA Wild Salmon Conservation & Trade
Contracted by World Wildlife Fund's Arctic Field Office to help achieve WWF's long-term objectives for wild salmon
Coordinated closely with WWF Russia's Kamchatka Field office & WWF US' Arctic Field Office in Anchorage
Analyzed Russian trade data to identify supply chains of companies with Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Certification
Mutli-stakeholder spatial planning of fishing industry-supported marine protected area (MPA) in Kamchatka, in collaboration with The Natural Capital Project
Facilitated academic partnerships between University of Alaska, University of Washington, and Kamchatka State Technical University. Received the following news/media coverage:
Alaska Magazine article -p. 27 of April 2019 issue. Click here for .pdf
Oceana blog post/story from September 2018:
ONCORHYNCHUS: Newsletter of the Alaska Chapter, American Fisheries Society (Fall 2017, Volume XXXVII, No. 4), p.7-8 Click here for .pdf
US Imports of Hardwood & Engineered Oak Flooring from China
Contracted by World Wildlife Fund (Washington, DC) for analysis of international trade data to identify patterns of US wood imports that may be at potentially higher risk for containing illegally harvested Russian-origin Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica) now listed on CITES Appendix III
This species is at high risk of illegal logging, as evidenced in the recent US Lacey Act case against Lumber Liquidators. Illegal logging in Northeast China and the Russian Far East has had significant impacts on endangered Amur tigers from the region
Technical lead on a partnership with a US company to conduct a supply chain risk assessment for Company's oak flooring manufacturing in China
Overview report published by WWF in March 2018 as "Okay Oak: A Case Study on Responsible Sourcing of White Oak from the Russian Far East" by J. Simeone, A. Smith, and E. Baldwin (authors' names withheld for publication). Currently available in English, forthcoming releases in Russian and Mandarin Chinese
Supply Chain Risk Analysis and US Lacey Act Due Care Guidance
Supply chain risk assessments and risk mitigation guidance procedures for sourcing specific wood and forest products
Expertise in Russian forest policy and forest products trade
On behalf of WWF-US, co-organized conference in St. Petersburg, Russia in October 2016 for Russian forestry and trade companies in order to discuss, strengthen, and build support for Russia's recent domestic advances (including, Law 415 - "The Roundwood Act") to track wood and forest products from forest to export in order to combat illegal logging
Conference Information in English & in Russian (PDF), and Post-Conference Recommendations (PDF)
Presented a detailed case study of the Feb. 2016 US Dept. of Justice Lacey Act case against Lumber Liquidators, involving illegal harvest and trade of Russian oak. Case study included explanation of supply chain players implicated, including the specific Russian companies, as well as a detailed explanation of the US DOJ court-approved Environmental Compliance Plan and Due Care procedures that Lumber Liquidators must follow:
Supply Chain Traceability, Data Validation and Verification, Regulatory Policy Analysis, and Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing
Researcher and co-author of an internal paper for the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST), on both theoretical and practical considerations related to developing industry-wide validation and verification norms and best practices for seafood traceability and supply chain data.
Contracted by World Wildlife Fund to analyze the value of seafood imported into the US requiring Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIMP) documentation to aid decision-making for further phases of US government implementation of SIMP. White paper evaluating US SIMP policy forthcoming.
Team member on and co-author of RUSI's Global Horizon Scan on potential climate-driven impacts to IUU fishing. Report published March 2023: Future Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Trends in a Warming World.
Other Articles/Publications
O. Karaeva, E. Popova, A Voropaev, N. Shmatkov, J. Simeone. 2017. Sociological Research on the Perception of Illegal Logging in Russia and Familiarity with FSC Certification. Levada Center and WWF Russia. [In Russian: О. Караева (Аналитический центр Юрия Левады). Е. Попова, А. Воропаев, Н. Шматков (WWF России), Дж. Симеон (WWF США). Фев. 2017 г. Результаты социологического исследования восприятия проблемы нелегальных рубок в России и известности знака FSC.
E. Popova, A. Voropaev, J. Simeone, N. Shmatkov. 2017. Results from the Survey "The Effectiveness of Law No. 415-FZ, and the associated online platform on the Unified State Automated Information System (USAIS), 'Timber Accounting and Associated Transactions' (" 2017. Sustainable Forestry: 1(49), 20-23. [In Russian: Е. Попова, А. Воропаев, Дж. Симеон, Н. Шматков. 2017. Результаты опроса «Уровень эффективности ЕГАИС по древесине и перспективы ее совершенствования». УСТОЙЧИВОЕ ЛЕСОПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ № 1 (49), 20-23.]
Simeone, J. and I. Eastin. 2012. “Russia’s Log Export Tariff and WTO Accession.” University of Washington. Center for
International Trade in Forest Products (CINTRAFOR). CINTRAFOR Newsletter Autumn 2012.'s_Log_Export_Tariff_and_WTO_Accession

Lead author of study for WWF International on how Russia’s war in Ukraine (February 24, 2022-ongoing) has impacted Russia’s domestic forest sector, forest certification, and forest conservation, as well as the direct and indirect effects that the war and ensuing sanctions against Russia have had on the global forest products sector.
Consultant to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Experts Group on Illegal Logging and Associated Trade (EGILAT) together with Meaghan Parker-Forney.
Consulting researcher and team member on projects that develop data science (machine learning) approaches to process international trade data to target suspicious and potentially high-risk shipments of natural resources (forest products, seafood, grain) at risk for evasion of taxes, regulations and trade policies, and sanctions.
Contracted by Foreign Policy Research Institute's Rensselaer Lee (Philadelphia, PA & Washington, DC) as a research analyst to collect, synthesize, and analyze Russian- and English-language literature and data for the manuscript "Russia’s Far East: New Dynamics in Asia Pacific and Beyond" by Rens Lee (Foreign Policy Research Institute) and Artyom Lukin (Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia). Book published December 2015- available on
Book review (PDF) - Gould-Davies, N. (2016). Book Review: Russia’s Far East: new dynamics in Asia Pacific and beyond. By Rensselaer Lee and Artyom Lukin. International Affairs, 92(4), 1012–1013. doi:10.1111/1468-2346.12678